Gambar Peta Povinsi Jawa Timur (Jatim)

Jawa Timur or East Java is a amphitheatre in the eastern allocation of Java Island, Indonesia. Its basal is Surabaya. Its across is 47,922 km ², and citizenry 37,070,731 citizenry (2005). East Java has the bigger breadth amidst the 6 abuttals in Java, and has the added bigger citizenry in Indonesia afterwards West Java. East Java is belted by Java Sea to the north, east of Bali Strait, Indian Ocean in the south, and Central Java Amphitheatre in the west. East Java amphitheatre additionally includes the island of Madura, Bawean, Kangean Island and some babyish islands in the Java Sea and Indian Ocean (Island and Nusa Sempu Barung).
gambar Peta Jawa Timur (Jatim)

gambar Peta Jawa Timur (Jatim)